Tuesday, 9 April 2024


I blanket stitched around all the legs and that left me with a billion threads to knot and tidy up but it was cold and rainy yesterday so it was something I could do in the warm in front of the TV.

All my threads.

Then I went to start sewing the bodies on but got distracted wondering how I'm going to sew the eyes on.  My sewing machine comes with over 700 different stitches but not one single one of those is a satin stitch circle!  I tried eyelets, the letter "o" and different satin stitch options.  I tried hand embroidery.  Let's just say hand embroidery and I don't get along and leave it at that.  The best outcome out of all these options was a blanket stitch around the felt circles but the thought of sewing 24 teensy felt circles fills me with dread.  I may have to think about this for a while!


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