Sunday, 7 April 2024

Another charity quilt

I'm not working on anything I'm supposed to be working on!  Here's another charity quilt collaboration. Annie put the quilt top together and I offered to quilt it.  It's very bright!

The top measured 54 inches so I had to piece a backing.  I decided it would be a great idea to use up all of the striped fabric and that took me hours of cutting, matching and sewing.  I'm my own worst enemy sometimes!

Ta da!

I quilted this one with my go to bubbles design because my system wasn't behaving itself and I ran out of patience.  I hand stitched the binding at WASPS (Wollert and Sunbury Patchwork and Stitchers) sit n sew and I made Annie come and hold the quilt for a picture.  Annie will be relieved to see I posted this pic and not the other one!  Naughty Annie!

I have been playing with my other projects.  Here are my headless sheep ready for stitching.

And I've started!  4 legs done...44 to go...

The camera quilt was coming along well and then something else needed the space on the design wall.  I'll get it done one day!

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