Saturday, 3 February 2024

Panic! Don’t panic! PANIC!


I don't like to sew my quilts in strips so I sew them in blocks.  That way I end up with only one long seam to sew when I sew two halves together. So, here's my first block.  It's taking forever.  Start panicking!

Oh ok it's coming together.  This is the smaller half finished. Stop panicking!

My injured hand decides it doesn't want to work which makes it very difficult to grasp the fabrics together to pin but it's going ok.

Then I went away for the weekend with my family for my husband's birthday and we had a great time! 
I came back and added to the quilt.  It's going slow but it's ok.  Then I made the terrible mistake of counting how many stars I had left to do!  Yikes gadzooks!  (As my mother would say.  I'd say something a little more colourful) I have eight stars left to sew.  Which means I have a whole third of a quilt to finish!  And that doesn't include the borders, the quilting or the binding!  I have 11 days to finish it!  PANIC!!!!

We also had a second birthday celebration for my husband so that our grandsons could join in. Just call me the Queen of Procrastination!

I'll go and do some more piecing very soon.  Oh!  Is that a pig I see flying past the window?

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