Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Twinkle twinkle little star

I finished sewing all my chequered blocks and guess what?! I need 24 star blocks!  So making additional stars to bring my total up to 21 is out the window!

I decided to make Ohio star blocks.  Yeah, there are a few versions of an Ohio star but I can't very well call it the "star with the quarter square triangles that's an absolute pain in the neck to match seams and not cut off points" now can I?  I love this star.  It's so pretty!  But no, there is no way on earth I am making 24 of these blocks!

So I trialled some easier ones.  These are called similar technique to pain in the neck Ohio stars but you don't have to pay too much attention to matching seams or cutting off points.  Yellow centre?

Or white?

Yellow it is.  Although I'm kind of regretting that now.  Ah well.

I have two lovely helpers in my studio.  Wellington is checking my design on the wall to make sure I'm doing it right.  With his eyes closed.

And Minnie is measuring scraps.  With her eyes closed.

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