Monday, 12 February 2024

Almost there!

I've been working on Erin's quilt doing a little bit here and a little bit there.  Often it looked as though I was never going to finish and then all of a sudden it all came together.  Here is it on the design wall waiting for borders.  I changed my mind regarding the borders several times but in the end went with a simple 2 inch yellow border followed by a wider white border.  I decided to do it this way so that I could use up the white binding I made for the quilt that wasn't.

Pinning backing to the quilting frame can be a mammoth job particularly when the quilt is fairly large.  I pinned the top to the back rail, rolled it all on, smoothed out all the wrinkles and creases whilst trying to keep the fabric fairly even and then I pinned the bottom to the bottom rail and repeated the rolling on, smoothed out...

I stepped back to take a picture...and realised I'd pinned the backing on upside down arghh!  In my defence the backing is a white tone on tone so it was a bit hard to see!  So I unpinned and started all over again!

This is the start of the quilting.  My tablet is having a lot of issues so the quilting didn't go as smoothly as I'd have liked.  I also tried out a new for me technique to keep the quilt top square which slowed things down.  I liked the technique so I'll use it again with some modification.  What I particularly liked was getting to the last row and the quilt edge was perfectly straight!

I planned on using a flowery quilting design but I just didn't like anything up against the stars so I went with circles.  It's probably not ideal but it's better than flowers!  At one point I was tearing my hair out trying to come up with a perfect design I even thought about quilting lizards all over it!  Erin likes lizards!  Thankfully that thought lasted all of five seconds.

Here it is all quilted and unrolled from the frame.

Binding next!  It cracks me up seeing this picture of my beautifully neat rolled binding.  It makes me look so tidy and organised!

And my least favourite part!  I had a marathon hand sewing session today because it's the only time this week that Erin is working in the city.  I'm pleased to say it's almost done!  It was rather warm underneath that quilt today!  Phew!

I'll be working on the label next.  I will actually finish this in time!  Yeah!


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