Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Counting Sheep zzzzzzz

I finished the baby quilt and it's currently heading over to the UK as I type!  The pattern is called Counting Sheep but I anticipate this being a floor quilt so there won't be a lot of sleeping going on on it.

Here it is before quilting.

Getting the checks to match up on the corners was a challenge!  Nothing that a bit of glue and some easing couldn't fix, mind you.

I think I need a new pincushion for when I pin my backing to the quilting frame!

Oooh exciting!  It's ready for quilting!

Ta da!  Finished quilting.

And my least favourite part...binding.

I went to retreat this weekend and didn't take a single picture!  Retreat was great as always and while I was there I booked a few of us into the next retreat in Ballarat for August.  Yeah!  You can never go on too many retreats!
I stitched the back of the binding down and added a label.  When I came home I washed it very carefully with a lot of colour catchers!  


I came home from retreat with Gail's Emma F#&*ing Mary to quilt.  I can't believe I'm going to say this but I have hours of cleaning to do so sewing is being pushed to the back burner for a while.

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