Saturday, 27 July 2024


I'm not sure what happened to my post.  Apparently, when you press a few buttons to see what they are you lose all your work!  Oops!  Anyway, if you're just seeing this you'll be wondering what I'm even talking about but that's ok because I have no idea either!

So this post was all about quilting Gail's Steam punk quilt.  Gail had asked me to trim the top to make it even and I didn't want to touch it for fear of making it worse so I ended up quilting the whole top but then adding a basting stitch line so that Gail could trim it square herself. You can see in the picture where the top went wobbly.

The quilting went well except for one row when luckily I ran out of bobbin thread and noticed I'd quilted the wrong row so I had to unpick that which was annoying but entirely my own mistake.  The bobbin ran out of thread on every row and I usually bury the threads while the quilt is on the frame so once I've finished quilting I'm done with the whole thing. I feared these threads would just pop out and show on the backing rather than get buried inside the sandwich so I had to bury them later.  I marked each thread with a piece of masking tape and I was very glad I had done that because they were very difficult to spot!

Here's the finished quilt laid out on my design floor.  I've been trying to think about other ways to display quilts for photos and think I may use a curtain pole with ring clips.

Here is the quilting design on the backing.

And here is where I was up to with my cross stitch picture.  I was getting ready to go to retreat and planned on taking the cross stitch.  I'd been working hard on the fiddly stuff so that I could just fill in blocks of colour and that way I wouldn't have to think about what I was doing too much.

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