My sewing room is no longer empty. Or tidy woo! I started by pulling out the star blocks I’d worked on at my last retreat.
Saturday, 24 September 2022
I’ve been sewing!
Sunday, 18 September 2022
A dream? Or a nightmare?
I’m wearing this mighty fine hand jewellery now. It’s definitely less torturous than the previous device to try to fix my hand but I still can’t sew. It’s very bad timing to start writing a quilting blog when I can’t do any quilting!
Saturday, 10 September 2022
My shirt challenge quilts
I haven't done a single stitch of sewing! So I'm posting about some quilts I've previously made. These are my shirt quilts.
A couple of years ago the quilting group I used to be a member of did a shirt challenge. You purchase an amount of cotton shirts each and then they get chopped up, mixed and redistributed and you have to make something out of the fabrics you're given. I'd participated in one of these shirt challenges several years ago and learned a lot about getting out of my comfort zone as I mostly liked to use plain fabric with perhaps one or two patterns. Having to use colours I didn't like and checks and prints was really quite terrifying for me but I did it. And I love my quilt!
Here it is hanging from a fence at the club when we did our big reveal. Now that I'm looking at it again I think I should make another with this design!
Tuesday, 6 September 2022
Quilt shop bus trip!
This is a picture heavy post but I couldn’t leave anything off! If you want to see the pictures better click on them and they'll appear in a new window.
Last Saturday most of the sit n sew ladies from the Wollert lifestyle village and friends (I think we need a name!) went on a bus trip to four quilt shops. A big thank you goes to Kay for not only arranging the whole wonderful day out for us but also for driving the bus!
Our first shop was The Quilt Shop in Eltham. This was a new to me shop and what a treat it was! The shop owner not only offered us tea and coffee and yummy biscuits but lucky prizes and a discount too!
This is the front room of the shop and you can see a few of the ladies studying all the fabrics and haberdashery on offer.
I don't have enough hobbies
I went for coffee with a friend and somehow managed to get myself enrolled at a crochet class. I have no idea what I'm doing and I know...

Phew! It's been a while since I posted which is kind of funny seeing as I had planned on posting twice a week originally ha ha! And i...
Starting a blog seemed like a great idea until I was faced with this empty page that I’m supposed to fill with interesting things! And I th...
But I’m in no rush for St. Nicholas to be here! We came to Australia with very few belongings and as our house in the UK hadn't sold yet...