Monday, 29 August 2022

What kind of a quilting blog is this?!

When there’s no quilting going on! I have to wear this torture device for an hour and then rest my hand for another hour all day to try to fix my hand injury.  It makes sewing very difficult but I think I could have managed it if I’d been in the mood!

My youngest son, Alex, was 21 this week.  I made this mess making him a card.  Don’t look too closely because I’ve left the rotary cutter open.  Ssh don’t tell Judy!

I’m not a good at drawing and I’m not a keen card maker but we started making cards for family members because it means more than bought.  They’re mostly joke cards these days.  Alex’s always feature elephants.

And the pop out design is a nod to him having to make a pop up card at University recently.

My sewing room doubles up as the party room so it all had to be cleared out for Alex’s party last weekend.  I definitely have a great excuse not to be sewing now!

I did do some sewing though.  Well actually I performed surgery in fact! This little fellow needed a few stitches in his head.

Ta da! He’s feeling much better now.

The hand is still being fixed and the sewing room hasn’t been put back together so there’s very little chance of me doing any sewing for a while.  But…there’s a Quilt shop bus trip planned for this weekend woo! How exciting!

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