Tuesday, 19 July 2022

The Book of Shame

I've been pretty good at finishing things for a while and, because of Covid, I haven't really been buying much so if anyone had asked me how many projects I have to do I'd have replied not many and gloated while everyone around me gasped in horror because they have a billion things to make. Then I decided to clean my studio.  Oh dear.  As I tidied and sorted I took pictures of my projects and once printed stuck them into this book.

The book of shame.  

Said in an ironic manner, of course, because it's kind of exciting to have all these things to do!

I haven't counted all the projects, kits, fabrics, patterns, UFOs etc but I did number the ones I wanted to concentrate on working on first and those numbered 35.  THIRTY FIVE PROJECTS!  Kate suggested I randomly choose the next project I work on and I randomly chose number 11.  The fabrics are fat quarter bundles from Aldi.  They aren't the best quality fabrics but they're pretty!  I decided to make Rugby Stars from the book A Cut Above by Gerri Robinson.  There are some lovely quilts in this book!

As I have a tendency to do, before I started cutting I changed my mind about the design and my quilt will just be a 4 x 4 star layout.  The only thing I don't like about this book, and some others, is that they'll say fat quarter friendly or scrap friendly or something and then not give you a cutting layout to make the most of your fat quarter or just tell you to cut out of assorted fabrics without giving amounts.  I don't have many scraps so I need to know how much fabric to buy. Here are my fabrics.  I swapped out the stripe for a plain yellow because I couldn't deal with matching stripes!  I'll find a use for the stripe in another project, I'm sure.  After all, I have quite a few of them!

Here they are all cut out!  

I plan on taking them to retreat to sew in a couple of weeks so I'll have to come up with another project from my book of shame to start working on.


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