I visited New Zealand recently and noticed that they commonly used feathers in their cushion pads. I found this more comfortable for my back so I decided to buy feather pads and make new covers for them. I went to my stash several times and nothing I had inspired me so I thought I'd go fabric shopping but when I looked I noticed that I could buy ready made covers for a fraction of the cost!
I went to IKEA for the covers as I already had some rectangular shaped cushions I'd bought from there that needed new covers. I found a nice selection for the square cushions but not a single cover for the rectangular pads. And yet, they still sell that size. Hmmm...
So I bought some large square covers with the intention of making two covers out of them. Here is one of them all laid out and pinned ready for sewing. I ended up with one with a zipper and the other side had to be sewn closed.
Ta da! All sewn and looking very smart.

Minnie gives them the tick of approval!

Feather cushions are a nuisance! But they're so comfy!
I've sewn a few more Irish Chain blocks too and I've booked my next retreat to Ballarat in March. Are you excited Annie?!
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