Sunday, 30 June 2024

Cheese and nibbles

After finishing Gail's quilt I wondered what to do next.  My friend's 50th birthday present is way overdue so that's what I'll be working on next.  I sewed the centre part together and then realised that I can't find the pattern or the white fabric I previously cut to add to the top and bottom of the camera.

I suspect it's hiding in this mess somewhere.  I'd like to say "In my defence..." or something but the reality is I'm a mess.  This mess happened when I moved everything out of the quilting room and dumped it in the cutting room.  Then the mess was so overwhelming I didn't know where to start so I either worked around it or just didn't sew.

In contrast my new sewing/quilting room looks like this.  

Anyway, in order to find the camera pattern and fabric I have to tidy up.  I decided to break it into more manageable bites. I found some scraps of batting so I sewed pieced together to make batting large enough for tiny baby quilts.  And then (wonders will never cease!) I put the batting away in the box labelled tiny baby quilt batting!  

I put pieces of fabrics and I started cutting up the scrap pieces to go inside this dog bed I've been making for years.  Which no doubt my dogs will turn their noses up at!

I wish I had more exciting things to show you!

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