Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Daunting blank page

 Starting a blog seemed like a great idea until I was faced with this empty page that I’m supposed to fill with interesting things! And I thought that choosing a blog name was going to be the hardest part.  I want to thank my friends Judy, Kate and Kay for trying to help me come up with a name but, as they will see, I ignored all of their suggestions.  As Judy pointed out I’d end up with a lot of weirdos reading the blog if I’d gone ahead with any of them!

So a bit about me.  I’m Evelyn and I’m a Welsh lady living in Australia where a lot of brilliantly talented quilt designers live.  I’m not one of them!  But I do enjoy creating quilts.  I like most of the process except for cutting fabrics, piecing, pressing, unpicking, pressing, quilting, binding and labelling.  I am quite good at unpicking though as I’ve had plenty of practice!  My absolute favourite part is the completed project.  Once that is spread on my bed, gifted or whatever I soon forget how tedious the rest of the process has been.  I am exaggerating, of course, but sewing can be very monotonous!

I started quilting in 1993, when I was 20, after my mum asked me to drive her to a quilting class.  I didn’t want to wait around in the car for her so I joined too.  We started by learning how to make one block with cardboard templates and curtain fabric.  After our first block, I realised that if you can make one block you can make two, then three and then a whole quilt!  I discovered the meaning of life!  So we quit classes and got to work on our quilts.

Here’s my first quilt after it was repaired a couple of years ago.

I wanted to start a blog to document my quilts and other projects past, present and, with any luck, future. So let’s see how I do!

And if you’re wondering why I chose Jelly Belly Bean out of all the names I could have come up with?  It’s because when I was little and just learning the alphabet I’d sing “a b c d e f g h i j k jelly belly bean” and that’s the nickname I was given from then on.  

First post done.  That wasn’t so scary now was it?

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