Monday, 30 December 2024

Happy New Year’s Eve!

So don’t faint with shock but I did some sewing today.  Not much sewing but considering I haven’t even thought about sewing for so long it was a big deal. Apparently there is a superstition that claims that what you do on New Year’s Eve sets the tone for the following year.  Ah ha! That explains all the wine I’ve been drinking this year!!  So I did a bit of sewing to set the tone for next year.  Later I will be drinking wine and breaking into a house to watch illegal fireworks.  Oh, am I allowed to say that on here?  It’s all legal I promise!

Anyway, back to the sewing.  I just grabbed one of my project boxes and started sewing.  A while ago I cut up scraps to make several quilts and the box I selected was the one with the Irish chain squares in it.  I have this picture printed but I think it’s just to remind me what I was planning on doing with the squares.  This box also has charm squares and matching 2 1/2 inch squares inside with no picture to remind me of what I was planning on making so that’s interesting.  Plus I’ve used some of my matching 2 1/2 inch squares in the Irish chain quilt.  I’m sure I’ll find more scraps to replace them though once I remember what it is I’m making!

Proof that I’m sewing!

And the blocks I’ve made previously up on the design wall so that I can see where I’m up to.  This is a perfect project for retreat as it’s lovely mindless sewing.  Obviously I haven’t arranged these blocks in an Irish chain manner but looking at the picture I kind of like the look of it. Thoughts for another day…

Whatever you’re up to today - enjoy!  

And keep your fingers crossed that I don’t get arrested.


I don't have enough hobbies

I went for coffee with a friend and somehow managed to get myself enrolled at a crochet class.  I have no idea what I'm doing and I know...