Saturday, 28 September 2024

Coming to you live from retreat!

A nice group of us are at The Retreat in Gisborne for the weekend.  It’s been lovely so far! I’m using my iPad to type this and I keep losing my photos when I try to move them so the order might not make much sense.  But not making sense is the story of my life!

On the design wall last night were these wonky star blocks that Judy has been working on intermittently.  She had to sew the last block before we could go to bed last night!  Judy will be adding sashing at some point.

Another one of Judy’s.  This one is a Chip quilt inspired by the scrappy quilt hanging at The Retreat.

Gail is making a Halloween tablecloth.  Judy helped a lot, particularly with the math!  Gail has sewn these segments together and quilted it already!

Here’s Jill’s Gorgeous Georgia.  The pattern continued to disappoint to the very end but it does look great!  Jill has now started on the appliqué part. 

Here are the ladies!

Judy is now working on this quilt.  She’s adding a row of star blocks next.

Kate is enjoying herself making this quilt.  It’s one that a friend started and gave up on.  Kate is finishing it and giving it back to her!  Yes, she’s bonkers!  Unfortunately I’m not the friend but it’s giving me ideas ;-) 
Oh hi Kate!  Didn’t see you there!

Gail is trimming the edges of her tablecloth.

Jill is tracing the appliqué.

Judy’s choosing fabric for her stars.

Rosie has been putting binding on the edges of these fabric segments.  Here’s one pile…

Oh and look!  Another pile!  Mind you, Gail has taken over a whole sofa with her bags and projects!

Debbie is embroidering.

Kate is tearing out foundation papers.

There’s a new quilt hanging up at The Retreat and it’s a beauty!  Abbe made this one for her dad who has recently passed away.  This is hanging in his memory.

So, what have I been up to?  Nothing!  This is where I put my project bag when I arrived on Friday and that’s probably where it’ll remain until I leave tomorrow!


I don't have enough hobbies

I went for coffee with a friend and somehow managed to get myself enrolled at a crochet class.  I have no idea what I'm doing and I know...