Monday, 23 January 2023

Christmas card wall hangings

My mother in law in the UK started making us homemade Christmas cards five years ago.  She personalises them with photos I've randomly sent her throughout the year.  You can never be certain which ones she'll choose!  I didn't want the cards sitting in the cupboard so I've been turning them into simple wall hangings and now we get to enjoy them every Christmas.

Here's one of the cards.  My husband and I are in the kangaroos pouch.  It's a picture of us eating ice-cream!


I pull it all apart and trim to a useable size.  This one was a bit tricky because my MIL trimmed the corners but they ended up inside my seam allowance so it worked out.  I added a two inch border, some hanging tabs and joined it to another card.

Here it is with this year's card.  My husband and I hanging on the tree with our grandchildren!  I need to buy another hanger some time.

Here's the one I made before.  Our first card was the caravan one because we'd recently bought a van and were just starting out on our camping adventures. I think I should have pressed the hanging before taking the picture!  

Hopefully we'll get many more of these lovely pieces of artwork/memories.

I don't have enough hobbies

I went for coffee with a friend and somehow managed to get myself enrolled at a crochet class.  I have no idea what I'm doing and I know...