Wednesday, 16 November 2022

It’s been a while!

In my last post I was talking about going to retreat. That lovely weekend ago seems like years ago now!  After showing you my poorly displayed shirt challenge quilts I decided that I should take some quilts to The Retreat so I could put them on the beds there at Abbe’s tidy, lovely house.  Judy and I arrived first so we could do this without inconveniencing the other retreat ladies and Judy ended up doing most of the work.  I just took the pictures!

I had a fantastic time and just pottered a bit with my sewing but that was fine.  After taking all the quilts on the beds pictures I didn’t think to take any more of what everyone was up to!  I came home and looked at my photos and couldn’t believe what I’d taken!

Here is the picture I took to send to Kay to show her what she was missing out on by not being there.  It’s a delicious German potato salad I plan on making again.  And again.  You can find the recipe here

And for some reason the only other picture I took was of Gail kneeling on her quilt! The quilt on display on the wall and the cushions were made by Abbe, the owner of the retreat.

I’m just going to show you one of the quilts I brought to take pictures of or this will be a very long post. Here’s Judy working hard to perfectly drape and smooth my quilt on one of the beds in the master bedroom.

This quilt was a kit I bought from Connecting Threads that I called my retreat quilt because I only worked on it at retreat.  Several retreats, in fact!  I bought the kit with Christmas or birthday money from relatives in the UK as it’s an almost instant way of saying “Look what you bought me!”.  Far better than not spending the gift and it going towards paying the power bill!

I quilted this one on my small quilting frame using The Grace Quilting Company’s Plastic pattern perfect which was a lot of work but I loved how it ended up.

I’ve had a bit of success with fixing my hand injury this week so I’ve been thinking more and more about sewing again and have been working on some Christmas projects that I hope to have finished very soon.  And, of course, I have the other displayed finished quilts to show you so you should be hearing from me very soon!

I don't have enough hobbies

I went for coffee with a friend and somehow managed to get myself enrolled at a crochet class.  I have no idea what I'm doing and I know...